RVS Academy celebrated India’s 72nd Republic Day on 26th January, 2021. The bright morning welcomed the dignitaries, teachers and excited children who had assembled to unfurl and salute the Tiranga. The occasion was graced by the Chairman, Mr. Binda Singh, Treasurer, Mr. Shatrughan Singh, Executive Member, Mr. Shakti Singh, Principal and Vice Principal of the school. The Chairman, Mr. Binda Singh, unfurled the flag which was followed by the National Anthem. The Principal of the school, Mrs. Mitali Roy Choudhury, addressed the gathering, expressing her pride in the rich heritage and culture of our country. She urged every student to do their bit and work for the nation. The address was followed by patriotic songs by students of std X and XII. To mark the importance of the day, students of Std X presented a speech in hindi and in english. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering instilling in every mind that if each Indian worked for the betterment of the country, it would undoubtedly reach the pinnacle of success. The Vice Principal, Mrs. Veesha Mohindra delivered a vote of thanks which was followed by National Anthem. It was an eventful day, the memories of which would be cherished forever.



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