RVS Academy celebrated India’s 74th year of Independence on 15th August, 2020. The occasion was graced by the Chairman of the school, Mr. Binda Singh, Secretary, Mr. Bharat Singh, The Treasurer, Mr. Shatrughana Singh, executive member Mr. Shakti Singh and Vice Principal, Mrs. Veesha Mohindra.

Due to the pandemic the program was held at low key by maintaining the social distancing and following the guidelines laid down by the government. The enthusiasm and fervour could be felt in the air when the National Flag was hoisted and the National Anthem was sung with great zeal. The students and the staff stayed at home and celebrated the day by singing the National Anthem and by remembering the Martyrs of the freedom struggle. An online drawing competition based on the theme Independence Day was held for the students. In his address the Secretary Mr. Bharat Singh advised the staff and students to stay indoors and fight the novel covid – 19 virus with positive spirits. He saluted  the corona warriors and paid homage to the freedom fighters.

The Chairman Mr. Binda Singh also wished everyone ‘Happy Independence Day’ and urged everyone to stay indoors and take precautions so that the country achieves yet another freedom from the deadly virus Corona. He said that let us appreciate the freedom we achieved and spark the spirit of patriotism in the youth of India as gaining independence from the Britishers was not easy and it’s because of the struggle and hardship of our freedom fighters that we now breathe in a free country.



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