E Waste rally was organised on 7th of July, 2022 at the premises of R.V.S Academy, Siroman Nagar, Mango, Jamshedpur to make the people aware about the hazards of E Waste and it’s disposal.

The occasion was graced by Mr Binda Singh, the Chairman of the School, the Executive Officer of Mango Municipal Corporation Mr Deepak Sahay,  the Principal of the school, Mrs Veesha Mohindra, teachers and students. The rally was flagged off by Mr. Deepak Sahay in presence of  Chairman, Mr  Binda Singh who acknowledged the endeavours initiated by the members of Eco Club in order to make the people aware about the issues related to ecosystem .

The students carried colourful banners, attractive placards and meaningful slogans protesting against the use of plastics and making the people aware about the hazards of using plastics. The children of R.V.S Academy made around 200 attractive paper bags of different sizes and colours and distributed them to the vegetable mongers in the nearby vegetable market. The students urged  the vendors not to use plastic bags to pack things.

E Waste has disastrous impact in the long run .It contaminates air , water and soil. Infact E Waste is hazarous to mankind and this was highlighted in the rally through the slogan which included RVS says ‘ No,’ to plastic bags.

The rally headed at 9.am from R.V.S Academy School campus and the movement was a real success.



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