On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, R.V.S. Academy celebrated Baby Kunwar Singh Vijayotsav paying tribute to the bravery of Babu Kunwar Singh, one of the brave soldiers of the Indian independence movement. On this occasion, school Chairman Mr. Binda Singh, Principal Mrs.Veesha Mohindra and Vice Principal Mrs. Anita Tiwari were also present.

After the prayer to the Supreme Lord, the students presented a speech and a poem related to Veer Kunwar Singh. Recitation of poetry and presentation of speech in powerful words mesmerized the audience, students and teachers present there. After this, the students also presented a short play based on the life of Kunwar Singh, which they made memorable with their lively acting.

  Addressing the students, School Chairman Mr. Binda Singh ji gave the message of taking inspiration of patriotism from the lives of our brave martyrs and having the spirit of sacrificing everything for the country. Today’s children will become the leaders of the country tomorrow; Therefore, they should become successful citizens by adopting high moral ideals and excellent life values, which will benefit the family, society and country.

Principal Mrs.Veesha Mohindra also told the students in her statement about the amazing bravery of Veer Kunwar Singh ji. This message was also given that the stories of such brave men will continue to inspire our descendants to behave bravely for ages.

Finally the program ended with the school song and National Anthem.



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