Debate on Prevention of Suicide at R.V.S Academy rvs, August 18, 2016August 19, 2016, News, 0 A debate was organized at R.V.S Academy on the topic “Suicide is 100% preventable” on Wednesday 17th August 2016...
ACHIEVEMENT GALORE BY R.V.S ACADEMY rvs, May 7, 2016June 21, 2016, News, 0 Students of R.V.S Academy once again brought laurels to the school with a cent percent performance both in the...
Fun & Frolic an inter school (Pre- Primary school) competition rvs, April 11, 2016April 21, 2016, News, 0 R.V.S Academy has endeavored to a unique platform where in kids from different Pre- primary school in the immediate...