Pre Holi Milan ceremony was organized at the premises of R.V.S Academy. Holi, the festival of joy and colour...
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R.V.S Academy witnessed the Farewell Ceremony of the twelfthers on 3rd February 2018. The programme began with the lighting...
R.V.S. Academy celebrated 69th Republic Day as every year. The day started with flag hoisting by the chief guest...
आर. वी. एस अकादमी मे हर्षोल्लास के साथ सरस्वती पूजा का आयोजन सम्पन्न। दिनांक 22-01-18 सोमवार को आर. वी....
Overwhelmed with joy,44 students of std. XI/XII, along with 3(Three) teachers assembled on 29th December’17 at Tata Nagar Station to ...
The International YOGA Day was observed in R.V.S Academy, Mango on 21st June 2016. The School invited students and teachers to...