Dear Students,
The world belongs to people who are confident of victory and make a beginning in a cheerful and happy frame of mind. People who display brilliant mental make-up backed by dynamic motivating power can cross over from failure to success. So have faith in God and in yourself. Believe in yourself. When you are able to visualize the goal you will not feel dejected. The strength of your character enshrined in values will always be your guiding star. Remember.
To keep a nation strong and free
There are some things that must always be,
So long as values and characters are kept alive,
A nation and the people will always survive.
Education is the progressive discovery of one’s ignorance. It directs our choice between right and wrong. It is education, which makes people easy to lead but hard to drive, easy to govern but hard to enslave. Character building always remains the prime purpose of education. Countries are built not on bricks but by minds.
Knowledge is power but application of knowledge is wisdom. Acquire knowledge by reading books, by observing things and by learning from your own or others’ experience in life. Convert it into wisdom. Remember Lord Krishna lifted up Arjuna with wisdom when the latter felt depressed despite the profound knowledge he had. What was good for Arjuna is good for all of us.
We at the R.V.S. educational Trust provide you quality Education through R.V.S. Academy, a school committed to Quality for which it has been awarded the certification of ISO 9001:2000 from NQA, a London based International Organization for Standardization.
Recently achieved International School Award, Second time in two successive terms from the British Council speaks volumes of quality education imparted to the students here-in.
The parameters of our commitment go beyond the school education to reach higher education for you at the R.V.S. College of Engineering & Technology, Jamshedpur. The college is affiliated to the Kolhan University, Jharkhand.
May God bless us!