A debate was organized at R.V.S Academy on the topic “Suicide is 100% preventable” on Wednesday 17th August 2016 in the School Assembly. Principal Mrs.Veena Talwar, Vice Principal Mrs. Mitali Roy Choudhury, Senior Co-ordinator Mrs. Preeti Singh and all the senior section teachers and students were present there. Sneha Gorai of class VII E, under the guidance of Teacher Simmi Gupta, Spoke for the motion and Dhiti Sharma spoke against the motion.

In Jamshedpur the rate of suicide has gone up in the recent years. So, organizations like “Jeevan” are taking positive steps to curb this menace. As suicide is a growing health concern, it was emphasized to look for some possible warning signs such as talking about dying, recent loss, change in personality, change in behaviour , low esteem etc. Students were asked to help out when they see drastic changes in their friends and relatives.

Students were explained how Act therapy can help the individual who is showing suicidal tendency and save a precious life. Act therapy deals with ASK, CARE and TREAT which says ASK if someone is thinking about suicide , let them know we CARE for them and give TREATment as soon as possible because LIFE COUNTS.



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