At R.V.S.Academy a short film “CHALO JEETE HAI” was organised on 28th September, 2018 on the childhood of our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. It was organised by the organisers of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of Mango notified area. The committee included Mr. Rajendra Prasad Gupta , Shri Shafiur Rahman, members of municipality, QRT team and brand ambassadors.

The School Principal welcomed the august gathering. Around 300 students of Std. IV and V enjoyed the film. The film was highly appreciated by the children. It was a motivational film to inspire the students.

The program had started with the National Anthem followed by an Oath Ceremony on Swachh Bharat.

On this occasion, Mr. Rajendra Prasad Gupta emphasised on the importance of cleaniness and praised the R.V.S. Academy Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Committee for their endeavour and hard work.



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