R.V.S. Academy, Dimna Road, Mango, added another feather to its cap by inaugurating a cutting-edge Language Lab on campus. The inauguration ceremony, held today, was graced by the presence of Chairman Mr. Binda Singh, Principal Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, Vice Principal Mrs. Anita Tiwari, teachers, and an enthusiastic gathering of students.

The Language Lab, equipped with advanced software developed by Sanako, aims to revolutionize language learning at the school. This modern facility will facilitate the teaching of multiple languages, including English, German, French, Sanskrit, and more, ensuring students gain proficiency in a globalized world.

Speaking at the inauguration, Chairman Mr. Binda Singh lauded the school’s efforts in enhancing its educational infrastructure. He said, “The introduction of this Language Lab reflects our commitment to providing students with the best tools for academic and personal growth. In today’s interconnected world, language is the bridge to opportunities, and this lab will empower our students to communicate effectively across cultures.”

Principal Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, in her address, emphasized the importance of language learning in developing students’ global outlook and cognitive abilities. She stated, “The Language Lab will not only strengthen linguistic skills but also instill confidence in students to express themselves fluently. With technology-driven solutions like Sanako, we are confident of delivering top-notch language education.”

The lab offers interactive learning modules, audio-visual aids, and real-time language practice, enabling students to improve their vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension skills. The inclusion of classical languages like Sanskrit alongside international languages reflects the school’s vision of embracing both tradition and modernity.

The event concluded with students exploring the features of the Language Lab under the guidance of their teachers.

The school management expressed its gratitude to all stakeholders for their support and promised to continue investing in innovative tools and methods to foster excellence in education.



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