RVS Academy Jamshedpur is owned and managed by RVS Educational Trust. The school is run by Mr Binda Singh, the Chairman and CEO of the School. The other prominent members are the school Secretary, Mr Bharat Singh and the Treasurer, Mr Shatrughan Singh.

The Principal, Mrs Veesha Mohindra is the academic and administrative head of the school. who  is responsible for the overall development of the school.

The School Office is headed by the Chief Office Executive, Ms. Sonali Deb. The other office work is handled by  the Registrar, Mr. Tirthankar Ganguly.

The school faculty consists highly trained teaching and non teaching staff who are working relentlessly to impart quality education, ethics and moral values to the students. The efforts of each stakeholders is to help the students achieve the hall of fame and success. The compassionate, competent and dedicated teachers are the pillars of the school, who are at every stage upgrading themselves to help the children achieve the desired skills and knowledge.





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