To sensitize awareness about road safety and traffic awareness among the students, on Thursday 22nd February, 2024. RVS academy conducted a session on road safety. The Chairman of the school managing committee Mr. Binda Singh, the Principal , Mrs. Veesha Mohindra and Vice Principal Mrs. Anita Tiwary graced the occasion with their presence.

The program began with prayer and thought of the day followed by a skit on road safety by students. After which, Principal welcomed and introduced  the honourable guests.

The session was conducted by Mr. Sunil Kumar, Head of the safety department of Tata Steel,  Mrs. Mom Mitra, Senior manager of Tata Steel safety department and Mr. Ravi Prakash Manager, Safety Department, Tata Steel for the students of Class 6 to 11. The students were briefed about the various traffic rules that should to be followed in order to maintain safety on the roads. They raised awareness about traffic rules to reduce casualties due to road accidents. It is vital that people are aware of the rules and regulations of the road and the importance of following them. Commitment Leaflets were  distributed among the students, which were to be signed by the parents. The rationale behind this leaflet was to identify whether the parents are concerned and aware about road safety rules or not. Lastly, Adnan Ahmed of 9 A proposed the vote of thanks. Everyone pledged to follow the road safety rules.



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