Inter Play School Cultural Fest “ZEST 2022” program was successfully organized in the premises of RVS Academy, Dimna Road, Mango with an aim to promote healthy child development through playful activities. The Chairman of the School, Mr. Binda Singh, Secretary Mr. Bharat Singh, Executive Committee member Mr. Shakti Singh, Saurabh Singh, Principal Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, Principals of various play schools, teachers, parents and students were present on the occasion. The program started with Ganesh Vandana and welcome dance. The Principal of various play schools were felicitated with bouquet of flowers, memento and shawl.


 A colorful program was presented by the children of many pre-primary schools of Jamshedpur. The program was divided into two parts. Off stage and on stage events. In the off stage, children show cased their skills in flat race, balance race, running by collecting balls in a basket, umbrella hop race, treasure hunt, relay race, running after wearing shoes and socks etc. In On stage events, young children participated enthusiastically in choral recitation, nursery rhymes, quiz, dance, poetry and fancy dress competition. The students of RVS Academy presented several songs keeping everyone entertained. Not only this, the parents of the children also contributed in this programme. The main attractions in the parents’ competition were Papa Ki Pari/Maa Ki Ladli, Hula Hoop, Bombing the City, etc.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the school Mr. Binda Singh praised the excellent performance of the children, acknowledged everyone’s work and wished the children a bright future. He gave a lot of love and blessings to the children with his inspirational words, and also said that children are the bright future of our country and the source of inspiration.  The more love and culture we imbibe in  them,  the brighter our future will be. The Principal of the school played an important role in making this entire program successful. The Principal thanked everyone present there. The program ended with the school song and National Anthem. Everyone returned to their respective homes taking unforgettable memories with them.



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