R.V.S. Academy, Siroman Nagar, Mango, Jamshedpur organized a tree plantation drive, on 2nd November, 2018. This event was inaugurated in the presence of Mr. Binda singh, Chairman of the School Management Committee. He was accompanied by the School Principal Mrs. Mitali Roy Choudhury, Vice Principal Mrs. Shalini Kumar and teachers of Eco – club. The purpose was to create awareness and spread the message of protecting our environment from pollution caused due to burning of crackers during Diwali.

Students brought different types of saplings – fruits, shrubs, medicinal herbs etc and planted them in the school campus. Not only students of Eco–club but teachers gave their equal participation in planting trees and plants. The importance of trees in contributing to the environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, supporting wildlife, providing shelter, medicines and tools was explained to the students on the occasion. They also took pledge to celebrate an Eco – friendly Diwali.



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