• Every student should carry his/her routine books to school each working day.
  • While going to the assembly or to the respective classes the students should maintain proper discipline.
  • All text books should be covered with synthetic cover which was provided by the school and should be properly labelled.
  • Students should maintain courteous behaviour inside as well as outside the school. They should pay due respect to all the teachers and staff.

  • Students should not speak loudly or use uncivilized language. They should not use improper gestures or manners within and outside the school premises.

  • Students should be clean and always neatly dressed. They should come to school in proper School Uniform only. Students who are not in proper Uniform will not be allowed to enter their class rooms.

  • Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  • Care must be taken of all School property. Damage done even by accident should be brought to the notice of the class teacher or the Principal /Vice Principal.

  • No books other than text books / library books and reference books should be brought to the school.

  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted, and in case of any loss of articles and money the School is not responsible.

  • Students who come to School with parents or servants should never leave before the escorts arrive and in case of delay, they should report to the School office. Those who go home alone should take care of themselves and be prompt in returning home.

  • Students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables, from vendors outside the school.

  • Students are obliged to attend assembly. Those who come late must report the reason for their being late to the principal before they go to their classes.

  • Students on their way to and from school are expected to deport themselves in a responsible manner.
  • All students must converse in ENGLISH while in School and even outside School premises.

  • Students are forbidden to leave the School premises during the School hours without the permission of the principal.



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