RVS Academy embraced the spirit of Earth Day with a series of engaging and educational activities aimed at fostering environmental consciousness among its students. Under the theme “Planet v/s plastic,” the school community came together to celebrate the beauty of our planet and the importance of sustainable living.

Mr. Binda Singh, Chairman of RVS Academy, shared a poignant message emphasizing the responsibility we all share in protecting our planet. Principal, Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, commended the students for their enthusiasm and dedication to promoting environmental awareness.

The highlight of the day was the creative workshop where children showcased their ingenuity by crafting beautiful artwork from recycled materials, including best-out-of-waste paper bags. These handmade creations were then distributed to local vendors, spreading awareness about the use of paper instead of plastics.

 In addition to artistic endeavours, the students actively participated in planting saplings and nurturing them with care and dedication. The day also featured a heartfelt poem recitation and inspiring speeches by students.

Through their collective efforts, RVS Academy has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental conservation and instilled a sense of responsibility towards Mother Earth in the hearts of its students.



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