R.V.S Academy at Dimna Road, Mango, Jamshedpur organised a Tree Plantation drive to sensitise the students about their role in conserving trees and creating an awareness for maintaining an environmental balance. The dignitaries present on the occasion- the Chairman of the school, Mr Binda Singh, Principal, Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, Vice -Principal, Mrs Anita Tiwari, the Trustee and Chief Office executive, Miss Sonali Deb, the teachers of eco club and the students, planted saplings and took a pledge to preserve it and foster a culture of responsibility towards nature.

The Chairman of the school described trees as our faithful and utilitarian friend and said that it is our supreme duty to preserve it. The Principal in her speech conveyed that as trees are life saviours, we should plant more and more trees to keep the environment lush and green.

To observe the occasion, the students from Std. V-VIII contributed actively in the preservation of trees and environmental balance. Through various activities, they tried to make the people and other students aware of the importance of tree plantation and its conservation . The students of Std. V took part in sapling plantation in the school premises and Std. VI students tried to make people aware about the drive by taking part in slogan writing .

The drive will help to bring an awareness in supporting tree plantation and thereby strengthening the bond between human and nature.





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